Medicare rebates for hyperhidrosis treatment*
When you come to one of our clinics for clinical assessment of your hyperhidrosis, you need to bring a REFERRAL from your General Practitioner (valid for 12 months). With this referral, the consultation and the treatment attracts a Medicare rebate.
If you see one of our Neurologists, there is a fee for the initial consultation, which will be discounted if you proceed with further treatment.
If you see one of our Dermatologists, the initial Medicare item number is 104 and there is a small fee to pay for this consultation, with a rebate amount of between $72-$80.
The ACTUAL procedure for treating underarm sweating (axillary hyperhidrosis) attracts a cost, at the discretion of the Neurologist or Dermatologist but as a Medicare item number of 18362, with a rebate amount of between $218-$228. This indicates that the cost of this procedure is only partially subsided by the Australian government and there WILL be a "gap" payment.
The actual anti-hyperhidrosis medication used for the injections are listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) only for axillary hyperhidrosis, and as such is subsided by the Australian Government.
- There is a small co-payment ($6.60 for Pensioners and $40 for non-pensioners), with is invoiced directly by a Pharmacy and payable directly to the Pharmacy, which essentially covers the cost of dispensing the anti-hyperhidrosis medication;
- The PBS DOES NOT subsidise the medication for craniofacial, palmar or plantar hyperhidrosis.
Underarm sweating medication covered by the PBS*
The medication has been available on the PBS (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) for the treatment of underarm sweating (axillary hyperhidrosis) since the end of 2011. This means that the cost of the anti-hyperhidrosis medication (not the injection), is covered by the Australian Government*. It is strictly regulated:
- Only available for axillary hyperhidrosis (e.g. not available for hands, feet or face) every 120 days;
- Patients must be 12 years or older and have failed or intolerant to topical aluminium chloride hexahydrate (e.g. Driclor and Rexona Clinical Protection) after one or two months of treatment;
- Only Neurologists, Dermatologists and Paediatricians can access the medication through the PBS for axillary hyperhidrosis.
What to do next?
Contact us now if you have any questions or to book an appointment for assessment and hyperhidrosis treatment at one of our sweat clinics.
End your suffering and stop sweating fast with the experts!
*Subject to change and availability. All information provided for guidance only and as such accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Please contact us for the latest information or if you have any questions.
For further information visit the following links:
- MBS Online (Medicare Benefits Schedule)
- Therapeutic Procedures for Hyperhidrosis (MBS)
- Services Australia - Highly Specialised Drugs