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No Sweat Clinic - How to stop sweating so much, excessive sweating under arms, armpits, hands, face & feet

How to stop sweating - lifestyle influences


Sweating excessively or hyperhidrosis, is something that makes people sociably uncomfortable and self-conscious. Being in a public place can especially be uncomfortable because of the fear of unsightly sweat stains or the odour caused by the hyperhidrosis. Those who suffer from hyperhidrosis can be afraid of interacting with those around them since they don't want to embarrass themselves.


What are the reasons for this condition?


In around 90% of sufferers there is no known underlying cause for the hyperhidrosis (primary hyperhidrosis). This is particularly the case when the hyperhidrosis effects both sides of the body and is localised to certain body parts, e.g. just the underarms, or the hands and feet, or the face. Primary hyperhidrosis usually commences in the teenage years or early twenties. Generally there is another family member who also has hyperhidrosis.


Sometimes there can be an underlying medical cause for the hyperhidrosis (secondary hyperhidrosis). When someone has generalised hyperhidrosis it is particularly important to see a physician who will exclude these causes. These include: medications, thyroid disease and diabetes, gout, infections, hormone imbalances and rarely cancers.


Triggers for this condition and how can they be avoided?


1. Heat


If the weather is hot or humid it is best to go outside into the fresh air or a place that is well ventilated like near an open window. Wear light clothing. The best material is cotton rather than synthetic material because it allows your skin to breathe and this may control your sweating. Avoid spicy food since this can stimulate your sympathetic nervous system and result in hyperhidrosis. Alcohol also has a body-warming effect so it is good to be aware of this, and avoid alcohol where possible.


2. Emotions/anxiety


Being under stress, or feelings of anxiety, can cause this condition, and can be worsened by nicotine and caffeine. Avoiding or reducing these will help. If you suffer from anxiety it might be appropriate to go to your GP for assessment and appropriate treatment.


3. Hormones


This condition may also be triggered during the time a woman is pregnant or going through menopause. Going to your GP to optimise treatment your menopause symptoms might be beneficial.


4. Physical activity or exercise


Although this can trigger sweating it is very important to continue to lead a healthy active lifestyle. Obesity is one of the major causes of hyperhidrosis.


Still sweating? Get in touch!


If you have tried using a clinical strength anti-perspirant and are still suffering sweat problems then we can help. Contact us now to book an appointment for treatment at one of our clinics (or if you have any questions) using the form on the right-hand side of this page.


End your suffering and stop sweating fast with the experts!

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